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VIP-E Dreamweaver CC Rnw 12M (ML)
Product Family
Dreamweaver CC
Product Type
Renewal Team Subscription
Multi Language
Operating System
Multiple Platforms
Market Segment
1 Month
Level Detail
Level 1 1-49
License Program
Education Named license
Visually design and develop modern, responsive websites.
The world’s most complete toolset for web designers and front-end developers lets you create, code and manage websites that look amazing on any size screen.
Build the best sites for any browser or device.
See how you can quickly create responsive sites, preview them on actual mobile devices and even extract assets and styles from Photoshop comps directly into your projects.
Easily create responsive sites using visual aids that help you define breakpoints for different screen dimensions and organize your code, powered by Bootstrap.
Preview your sites in real time on multiple devices simultaneously to see how they adapt and scale to different size screens.
With support for multiple artboards, you can build responsive sites by extracting design info and optimized images from Photoshop comps.
Code faster thanks to real-time error checking and Autocomplete with Emmet support.
Dreamweaver, now with CreativeSync.
Dreamweaver is part of Creative Cloud and it comes with Adobe CreativeSync, so your assets are always at your fingertips right when you need them. CreativeSync powers your Libraries and Adobe Stock, and it connects your mobile and desktop apps.
Assets right where you need them
Your favorite assets — colors, images, graphics, metadata and more — are all available within Dreamweaver.
Adobe Stock
Access more than 50 million curated, royalty-free photos and graphics right inside Dreamweaver.
New mobile apps
Create production-ready assets anywhere with Adobe Capture CC, and then bring them into Dreamweaver to enhance your sites.
Make something now.
Get the most out of Dreamweaver and Creative Cloud with our latest tutorials for web and mobile design and more.
Licens antal | 1 |
Licens type | Uddannelse (EDU) |
Software-type | Fornyelse |
Licensregler | 1 måned(er) |
Sprog version | Flersproget |
Understøttede Windows operativsystemer | Ja |
Understøttede Mac operativsystemer | Ja |
Mac kompabilitet | Ja |
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